Race Director 24 Month Lookup Calendar

Race Director 24 Month Lookup Calendar

Thank you, Race Director, for supporting our calendar. Race Directors should check this lookup tool to see if we already have your event listed within our ActiveSalem.com calendar.  Check this list.  Claim your race if you have not done so already.  Then, take over the listing and maintain it yourself!  This is important for two reasons:

  1. You have full control of editing and updating your information. If something changes, just login and make the edits.
  2. Your event is part of a national listing that will be free from advertising. The link will go to information about YOUR RACE, no one else’s!

To Use the Race Director 24 Month Lookup Calendar

  • Go to the month of your race – or use the Search Races Button.
  • A look back to the prior year is provided within that same month.
  • Note that past events may not appear directly above or below a current listing.  Look at the dates around your event.
  • If your event is already listed on the calendar (either this year or last), Click on the “Claim This Race” link.
  • NOTE: If the “Claim This Race” link does not appear within your listing, then your event is already “claimed” within RunSignUp.com.
  • If you have a RunSignUp account, enter your email and password.
  • If you do not have a RunSignUp account, please create one.
  • Claim your race!
  • Once you claim your race, you will receive reminders on behalf of this calendar from RunSignUp.com to renew your listing each year. We want to keep it simple, and keep you in control of your race information!

If you have any questions about your listing, please email Info@RunSignUp.com.

If Your Race is Not Listed Already on the Race Director 24 Month Lookup Calendar

Follow this link to Add Your Event

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