Salem Vision 2020 – Upcoming Opportunities to Get Involved – December 27, 2007

Salem Vision 2020

In the year 2020, the City Center is a vibrant, regional, year-round regional destination for employees, visitors and residents. The City Center is known for its historic and artistic character, and its unique and easy to find alley ways, plazas, and gathering places. A diverse array of shopping, dining, cultural activities and entertainment attract people at all hours of the day.

The Salem City Center is welcoming, visually appealing, and accessible for all ages. Pedestrian walkways, bicycle paths and streets connect the adjoining neighborhoods and communities to and from the City Center, Willamette River, meandering waterways, parks, green spaces, trails, and play spaces.

Served by high-quality and reliable transportation, the City Center is its own distinct neighborhood and a safe home to people of all income levels.

To find out more about Salem Vision 2020, please refer to the links below.

Vision 2020 Home Page

Action Plan and Getting Involved