10k Training Plan 10 weeks

Welcome to the Team GFR 10k Training Plan page.

10k Training Plan 10 weeks

  • $35 for 10 weeks of training with Gallagher Fitness Resources.
  • 9 weeks Building to Your 10k event + 1 week Recovery Workouts.
  • Choose your running level: Beginner, Recreational, Advanced, Competitor.
  • Follow Suggested Workouts delivered to your e-mail or smartphone.
  • Training guidelines set at your individually appropriate Pace, Distance, and Heart Rate.
  • Train solo, with your running buddies or with our Saturday morning group at GFR.

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View Beginner Level description and sample week

Beginner Level 10k Training – 10 weeks – $45

Our 10k training plan is designed for people who have run 5k’s and want to move up to 10k. It is a running plan that includes some run/walk training days. We encourage those who are truly beginning to follow our 5k plan before moving up to the 10k or beyond. You will walk one day, run 3-4 times, and cross-train 1-2 days per week. Saturday runs will progress in distance so you are ready for a 10k.

Sample Workouts:

Day #1
Workout: Walk
Category: Recovery
Time: 45 minutes
Min Effort: 50%, Max Effort: 55%
Max Pace: 15:00

Workout Detail: No running at all — Comfortable paced walk. Walk at a low intensity level, but at a consistent pace.

Workout Description: Go for a casual walk. Take a family member, a buddy, or a pet.

Purpose: A walk balances out your running and racing. Don’t skip this opportunity.

Day #2
Workout: EZ Jog or CrossTrain
Category: Recovery and Endurance
Time: 20 minutes, Estimated Distance: 1.7 miles
Min Effort: 60%, Max Effort: 70%
Min Pace: 13:30, Max Pace: 12:00

Workout Detail: EZ Jog. Total 20 minutes. Light to Moderate Effort. Based on how you are feeling, choose between 20 minutes or 2 miles, whichever feels like the smarter choice.

Workout Description: Jog as indicated or do a short duration cross training session. Jogging is good for you. You need days to clear your muscles and run relaxed.

Purpose: The purpose becomes more apparent as the miles and intensity build. Very EZ Effort. This is a necessary recovery workout. No Overdoing It!

Day #3
Workout: Cross-Training Activity
Category: Cross-Train Activity
Time: 30 minutes
Min Effort: 65%, Max Effort: 75%

Workout Detail: Cross-training session at very low intensity. Options: Bike Ride, EZ Spinning, Hiking, Swimming, other low intensity cross training activity. Be sure to include notes on which activity you choose and the duration of the session. Choose something fun!

Workout Description: Maintain a moderate intensity level while cross training. Don’t overdo it. Running is your goal, not cross training!

Purpose: Supplemental activity builds and maintains endurance. Gives your muscles, tendons and joints a break from the impact of running.

Day #4
Workout: Steady Aerobic Run
Category: Aerobic Development
Distance: 3.00 miles, Estimated Time: 36 minutes
Min Effort: 70%, Max Effort: 80%
Min Pace: 12:00, Max Pace: 11:00

Workout Detail: Steady Aerobic Run – Put in your miles, grab a shower and get on with the day or evening. After today’s run, you are one day closer to your goal!

Workout Description: Run at a steady effort without creating fatigue. Today you build, so you can challenge yourself in a race or harder workout on another day.

Purpose: Basic endurance day. A comfortable effort always remains the same. Over time your pace will increase as your fitness improves. Allow it to improve naturally!

Day #5
Workout: EZ Jog or CrossTrain
Category: Recovery and Endurance
Time: 20 minutes, Estimated Distance: 1.7 miles
Min Effort: 60%, Max Effort: 70%
Min Pace: 13:30, Max Pace: 12:00

Workout Detail: EZ Jog. Total 20 minutes. Light to Moderate Effort. Based on how you are feeling, choose between 20 minutes or 2 miles, whichever feels like the smarter choice.

Workout Description: Jog as indicated or do a short duration cross training session. Jogging is good for you. You need days to clear your muscles and run relaxed.

Purpose: The purpose becomes more apparent as the miles and intensity build. Very EZ Effort. This is a necessary recovery workout. No Overdoing It!

Day #6
Workout: DAY OFF
Category: Recovery
Time: 0 minutes, Estimated Distance: 0 miles
Min Effort: 0%, Max Effort: 0%
Min Pace: , Max Pace:

Workout Detail: DAY OFF — Relax and Rest up! Today is just as important as any other day. Rest allows your body time to repair. Good day for Trigger Point tools, foam roller, light stretches or deep tissue massage. If you expect results from your training, take care of your body!

Workout Description: If you must do something, we recommend a walk or other low intensity activity.

Purpose: Respect recovery and be smart! Your body needs days off to benefit and rebuild from training.

Day #7
Workout: Steady Aerobic Run
Category: Aerobic Development
Distance: 3.00 miles, Estimated Time: 36 minutes
Min Effort: 70%, Max Effort: 80%
Min Pace: 12:00, Max Pace: 11:00

Workout Detail: Steady Aerobic Run – Make sure these aerobic runs are (1) Relaxed (2) Fun and (3) Under Control. There’s plenty of other days that will provide the challenge. Not today.

Workout Description: Run at a steady effort without creating fatigue. Today you build, so you can challenge yourself in a race or harder workout on another day.

Purpose: Basic endurance day. A comfortable effort always remains the same. Over time your pace will increase as your fitness improves. Allow it to improve naturally!



View Recreational Level description and sample week

Recreational Level 10k Training – 10 weeks $45  

Got a 10k and a few 5k’s under your belt, but would like to improve your time? The Rec plan keeps it fun, but introduces some workouts you may have heard or read about, but never tried. It is balanced with 3-4 suggested days of running and 1-2 suggested days of cross-training activities. During the 2nd week you will determine a 10k race goal by running 1 mile for time. Saturdays include specific 10k pace workouts at a local HS track. Improve your form, get stronger, and have fun as you get faster! Appropriate for those targeting a 10k between 54:00-60:00.

Sample Workouts:

Day #1
Workout: Cross-Training Activity
Category: Cross-Train Activity
Time: 45 minutes
Min Effort: 65%, Max Effort: 75%

Workout Detail: Cross-training session at a moderate effort. Options: Elliptical trainer, Swim, Bike, Hike, Spinning, Pool Running, Zumba, Circuit Training, Core 4 Runners other moderate intensity activity. Have fun!

Workout Description: Maintain a moderate intensity level while cross training. Don’t overdo it. Running is your goal, not cross training!

Purpose: Supplemental activity builds and maintains endurance. Gives your muscles, tendons and joints a break from the impact of running.

Day #2
Workout: Steady Aerobic Run
Category: Aerobic Development
Distance: 4.00 miles, Estimated Time: 44 minutes
Min Effort: 70%, Max Effort: 80%
Min Pace: 11:00, Max Pace: 10:00

Workout Detail: Steady Aerobic Run – Put in your miles, grab a shower and get on with the day or evening. After today’s run, you are one day closer to your goal!

Workout Description: Run at a steady effort without creating fatigue. Today you build, so you can challenge yourself in a race or harder workout on another day.

Purpose: Basic endurance day. A comfortable effort always remains the same. Over time your pace will increase as your fitness improves. Allow it to improve naturally!

Day #3
Workout: EZ Jog or CrossTrain
Category: Recovery and Endurance
Distance: 4.00 miles, Estimated Time: 44 minutes
Min Effort: 60%, Max Effort: 70%
Min Pace: 12:30, Max Pace: 11:00

Workout Detail: Low Intensity Aerobic Run – 4 miles. Recovery day – Concentrate on good form and breathing deeply. 2nd OPTION: You may cross train today instead for the estimated time listed if you feel you need more recovery.

Workout Description: Jog as indicated or do a short duration cross training session. Jogging is good for you. You need days to clear your muscles and run relaxed.

Purpose: The purpose becomes more apparent as the miles and intensity build. Very EZ Effort. This is a necessary recovery workout. No Overdoing It!

Day #4
Workout: Minutes Wkt
Category: Anaerobic Threshold/Strength Endurance
Time: 54 minutes, Estimated Distance: 4.9 miles
Min Effort: 85%, Max Effort: 87%
Min Pace: 8:53, Max Pace: 8:50

Workout Detail: Minutes Workout [6x 2on/2off]: WarmUp jog 15 mins at 65% + Then repeat the following 6x: [Run 2 mins at 85% and 2 mins at 70%] + Cool Down jog 15 mins at 65%.

Total workout: 54 minutes. Your 85% effort should be challenging, but not hard, approximately at a pace you could hold for a 50 minute race. The 70% recovery should be around marathon pace, no slower. This workout keeps you in a small window that challenges your aerobic strength.

Workout Description: Total time includes EZ WarmUp to start and EZ CoolDown at end. Run at paces that will vary between 85-87% of maximum effort & recommended recovery. Refer to your pace chart for appropriate paces. A heart rate monitor is best tool to determine this.

Purpose: Builds anaerobic strength. Gives you the gears you need late in a shorter race. Gives you strength in the last miles of a half marathon or marathon.

Day #5
Workout: EZ Jog or CrossTrain
Category: Recovery and Endurance
Distance: 4.00 miles, Estimated Time: 44 minutes
Min Effort: 60%, Max Effort: 70%
Min Pace: 12:30, Max Pace: 11:00

Workout Detail: Low Intensity Aerobic Run – 4 miles. Recovery day – Concentrate on good form and breathing deeply. 2nd OPTION: You may cross train today instead for the estimated time listed if you feel you need more recovery.

Workout Description: Jog as indicated or do a short duration cross training session. Jogging is good for you. You need days to clear your muscles and run relaxed.

Purpose: The purpose becomes more apparent as the miles and intensity build. Very EZ Effort. This is a necessary recovery workout. No Overdoing It!

Day #6
Workout: DAY OFF
Category: Recovery
Time: 0 minutes, Estimated Distance: 0 miles
Min Effort: 0%, Max Effort: 0%
Min Pace: , Max Pace:

Workout Detail: DAY OFF — Relax and Rest up! Today is just as important as any other day. Rest allows your body time to repair. Good day for Trigger Point tools, foam roller, light stretches or deep tissue massage. If you expect results from your training, take care of your body!

Workout Description: If you must do something, we recommend a walk or other low intensity activity.

Purpose: Respect recovery and be smart! Your body needs days off to benefit and rebuild from training.

Day #7
Workout: EZ+Strides
Category: Aerobic, Running Form, Efficiency
Time: 45 minutes, Estimated Distance: 4.1 miles
Min Effort: 65%, Max Effort: 85%
Min Pace: 11:30, Max Pace: 8:53

Workout Detail: Introduction to Strides Workout.

“Strides” are short bursts run at 5k effort for 100meters (about 20-30 seconds maximum). These are not Sprints, so do not try to go fast. Think quick and comfortable, not fast and out of control. Do NOT try to lengthen your stride or bound. Your stride pattern should be short and efficient with quick turnover. Keep your feet low to the ground. Practice lifting them from the ground as quickly as you can.

Do the workout as follows:
1) 10 minute warmup jog.
2) Repeat 6x: Run 5k effort for 100meters (about 20-30 seconds maximum). WALK back after each repeat of 100m Strides.
3) 10 minutes easy running
4) Repeat 6x: Run 5k effort for 100meters (about 20-30 seconds maximum). WALK back after each repeat of 100m Strides.
5) 10 minute cooldown jog.

Total Time to complete workout: about 40-45 minutes.

Workout Description: EZ Run. During run add “strides” as recommended. [5k pace effort – but only for 20 seconds!]

Purpose: “Strides” are run at a slightly accelerated pace for 20 seconds only. These are NOT sprints. Think “dynamic stretching.” Opens up your stride. Helps avoid injuries.



View Advanced Level description and sample week

Advanced Level 10k Training 10 weeks -$45  

Interested in trying some regular workouts at the high school track? Not afraid of hill workouts? Want to finish near the top of your age group on a regular basis? There is more intensity and more mileage at this level, but the reward will be quicker race times! Includes 4-6 suggested days of running and 1-2 suggested days of cross-training activities. During the 2nd week you will determine a 10k race goal by running 1 mile for time. You will run 25-35 miles per week. Saturdays will include specific 10k track workouts. Appropriate for those targeting a 10k between 43:00-53:00.

Sample Workouts:

Day #1
Workout: EZ Jog or CrossTrain
Category: Recovery and Endurance
Distance: 5.00 miles, Estimated Time: 50 minutes
Min Effort: 60%, Max Effort: 70%
Min Pace: 11:30, Max Pace: 10:00

Workout Detail: Low Intensity Aerobic Run – 5 miles. Recovery day – Concentrate on good form and breathing deeply. 2nd OPTION: You may cross train today instead for the estimated time listed if you feel you need more recovery.

Workout Description: Jog as indicated or do a short duration cross training session. Jogging is good for you. You need days to clear your muscles and run relaxed.

Purpose: The purpose becomes more apparent as the miles and intensity build. Very EZ Effort. This is a necessary recovery workout. No Overdoing It!

Day #2
Workout: Steady Aerobic Run
Category: Aerobic Development
Time: 30 minutes, Estimated Distance: 3 miles
Min Effort: 70%, Max Effort: 80%
Min Pace: 10:00, Max Pace: 9:00

Workout Detail: Out and back run (30 Minutes) – go out comfortably for 16 mins at 75% effort and come back the same route quicker (in 14 mins at 80-85% effort).

Have fun with this workout. It will give you the chance to pick up the pace on the 2nd half of the run – only if you go out smart in the beginning. This will help you gauge your pacing for race day! If you go out too quickly at first, the 2nd half will be tough. Conversely, if you go out too easy, you will not pace yourself well. This is not a race to get back faster. It is an exercise in SMART PACING!!! Good Luck!

Workout Description: Run at a steady effort without creating fatigue. Today you build, so you can challenge yourself in a race or harder workout on another day.

Purpose: Basic endurance day. A comfortable effort always remains the same. Over time your pace will increase as your fitness improves. Allow it to improve naturally!

Day #3
Workout: EZ Jog or CrossTrain
Category: Recovery and Endurance
Distance: 5.00 miles, Estimated Time: 50 minutes
Min Effort: 60%, Max Effort: 70%
Min Pace: 11:30, Max Pace: 10:00

Workout Detail: Low Intensity Aerobic Run – 5 miles. Recovery day – Concentrate on good form and breathing deeply. 2nd OPTION: You may cross train today instead for the estimated time listed if you feel you need more recovery.

Workout Description: Jog as indicated or do a short duration cross training session. Jogging is good for you. You need days to clear your muscles and run relaxed.

Purpose: The purpose becomes more apparent as the miles and intensity build. Very EZ Effort. This is a necessary recovery workout. No Overdoing It!

Day #4
Workout: Minutes Wkt
Category: Anaerobic Threshold/Strength Endurance
Time: 50 minutes, Estimated Distance: 5 miles
Min Effort: 85%, Max Effort: 87%
Min Pace: 8:06, Max Pace: 8:03

Workout Detail: Minutes Workout [5-3-2]: WarmUp jog 15 mins at 65% + then Run the following alternating between 85% effort and 70% recovery: 5mins/5mins – 3mins/3mins – 2mins/2mins + Cool Down jog 15 mins at 65%.

Total workout: 50 minutes. Your 85% effort should be challenging, but not hard, approximately at a pace you could hold for a 50 minute race. The 70% recovery should be around marathon pace, no slower. This workout keeps you in a small window that challenges your aerobic strength.

Workout Description: Total time includes EZ WarmUp to start and EZ CoolDown at end. Run at paces that will vary between 85-87% of maximum effort & recommended recovery. Refer to your pace chart for appropriate paces. A heart rate monitor is best tool to determine this.

Purpose: Builds anaerobic strength. Gives you the gears you need late in a shorter race. Gives you strength in the last miles of a half marathon or marathon.

Day #5
Workout: EZ Jog or CrossTrain
Category: Recovery and Endurance
Distance: 5.00 miles, Estimated Time: 50 minutes
Min Effort: 60%, Max Effort: 70%
Min Pace: 11:30, Max Pace: 10:00

Workout Detail: Low Intensity Aerobic Run – 5 miles. Recovery day – Concentrate on good form and breathing deeply. 2nd OPTION: You may cross train today instead for the estimated time listed if you feel you need more recovery.

Workout Description: Jog as indicated or do a short duration cross training session. Jogging is good for you. You need days to clear your muscles and run relaxed.

Purpose: The purpose becomes more apparent as the miles and intensity build. Very EZ Effort. This is a necessary recovery workout. No Overdoing It!

Day #6
Workout: DAY OFF
Category: Recovery
Time: 0 minutes, Estimated Distance: 0 miles
Min Effort: 0%, Max Effort: 0%
Min Pace: , Max Pace:

Workout Detail: DAY OFF — Relax and Rest up! Today is just as important as any other day. Rest allows your body time to repair. Good day for Trigger Point tools, foam roller, light stretches or deep tissue massage. If you expect results from your training, take care of your body!

Workout Description: If you must do something, we recommend a walk or other low intensity activity.

Purpose: Respect recovery and be smart! Your body needs days off to benefit and rebuild from training.

Day #7
Workout: EZ+Strides
Category: Aerobic, Running Form, Efficiency
Time: 45 minutes, Estimated Distance: 4.5 miles
Min Effort: 65%, Max Effort: 85%
Min Pace: 10:30, Max Pace: 8:06

Workout Detail: Introduction to Strides Workout.

“Strides” are short bursts run at 5k effort for 100meters (about 20-30 seconds maximum). These are not Sprints, so do not try to go fast. Think quick and comfortable, not fast and out of control. Do NOT try to lengthen your stride or bound. Your stride pattern should be short and efficient with quick turnover. Keep your feet low to the ground. Practice lifting them from the ground as quickly as you can.

Do the workout as follows:
1) 10 minute warmup jog.
2) Repeat 6x: Run 5k effort for 100meters (about 20-30 seconds maximum). WALK back after each repeat of 100m Strides.
3) 10 minutes easy running
4) Repeat 6x: Run 5k effort for 100meters (about 20-30 seconds maximum). WALK back after each repeat of 100m Strides.
5) 10 minute cooldown jog.

Total Time to complete workout: about 40-45 minutes.

Workout Description: EZ Run. During run add “strides” as recommended. [5k pace effort – but only for 20 seconds!]

Purpose: “Strides” are run at a slightly accelerated pace for 20 seconds only. These are NOT sprints. Think “dynamic stretching.” Opens up your stride. Helps avoid injuries.



View Competitor Level description and sample week

Competitor Level 10k Training 10 weeks $45  

Running competitively takes a bit more work and more mileage. This level will include long runs in the 7-12 mile range, twice weekly track/road workouts and average 35-50 miles per week. Designed for the runner interested in shorter races and more intense workouts. Includes 5-6 suggested days of running combined with 1-2 suggested days of cross-training activities. During the 2nd week you will determine a 10k race goal by running 1 mile for time. Appropriate for those targeting a 10k below 46:00.

Sample Workouts:

Day #1
Workout: EZ Jog or CrossTrain
Category: Recovery and Endurance
Time: 60 minutes, Estimated Distance: 6.7 miles
Min Effort: 60%, Max Effort: 70%
Min Pace: 10:31, Max Pace: 9:01

Workout Detail: EZ Jog. Total 60 minutes. Light to Moderate Effort. Concentrate on staying relaxed and breathing deeply. You can choose between 60 minutes or 6 miles, whichever feels like the smarter choice based on how you are feeling.

Workout Description: Jog as indicated or do a short duration cross training session. Jogging is good for you. You need days to clear your muscles and run relaxed.

Purpose: The purpose becomes more apparent as the miles and intensity build. Very EZ Effort. This is a necessary recovery workout. No Overdoing It!

Day #2
Workout: Hill Repeats
Category: Anaerobic/Muscle Strength
Distance: 6.00 miles, Estimated Time: 54 minutes
Min Effort: 75%, Max Effort: 90%
Min Pace: 8:31, Max Pace: 7:09

Workout Detail: Hill Repeats x6 (Bush Pk) – WarmUp jog 1.5 miles at 65% (One perimeter of BushPk). Use proper form running up SoapBox past the bathroom (or any gradual hill that takes 2-3 minutes to run) and walk/jog back down. Repeat 6 times. Cooldown jog 1.5 miles at 65% (One perimeter of BushPk). Total Distance 6 miles.

Use proper Hill technique work on the Soap Box Derby hill. Eyes up! Keep those “headlights” aimed up the road. Let an imaginary tow-rope pull your hips up the hill while you just keep your feet and hands moving!

Workout Description: Total time includes EZ WarmUp to start and an EZ CoolDown at end. Hill repeats + Recovery walk or jogs in the middle. Hills will have your heart rate elevating and descending during the workout.

Purpose: Remember to keep your eyes looking at the top of the hill! Lead with your hips. Builds muscle strength. Enhances your running form. Teaches efficiency.

Day #3
Workout: EZ Jog or CrossTrain
Category: Recovery and Endurance
Distance: 7.00 miles, Estimated Time: 63 minutes
Min Effort: 60%, Max Effort: 70%
Min Pace: 10:31, Max Pace: 9:01

Workout Detail: Low Intensity Aerobic Run – 7 miles. Recovery day – Concentrate on good form and breathing deeply.
2nd OPTION: You may cross train today instead for the estimated time listed if you feel you need more recovery.
3rd OPTION: Split the time between a shorter recovery run and some cross training activity.

Workout Description: Jog as indicated or do a short duration cross training session. Jogging is good for you. You need days to clear your muscles and run relaxed.

Purpose: The purpose becomes more apparent as the miles and intensity build. Very EZ Effort. This is a necessary recovery workout. No Overdoing It!

Day #4
Workout: Minutes Wkt
Category: Anaerobic Threshold/Strength Endurance
Time: 58 minutes, Estimated Distance: 6.4 miles
Min Effort: 85%, Max Effort: 87%
Min Pace: 7:23, Max Pace: 7:21

Workout Detail: Minutes Workout [8-4-2]: WarmUp jog 15 mins at 65% + then Run the following alternating between 85% effort and 70% recovery: 8mins/8mins – 4mins/4mins – 2mins/2mins + Cool Down jog 15 mins at 65%.

Total workout: 58 minutes. Your 85% effort should be challenging, but not hard, approximately at a pace you could hold for a 50 minute race. The 70% recovery should be around marathon pace, no slower. This workout keeps you in a small window that challenges your aerobic strength.

Workout Description: Total time includes EZ WarmUp to start and EZ CoolDown at end. Run at paces that will vary between 85-87% of maximum effort & recommended recovery. Refer to your pace chart for appropriate paces. A heart rate monitor is best tool to determine this.

Purpose: Builds anaerobic strength. Gives you the gears you need late in a shorter race. Gives you strength in the last miles of a half marathon or marathon.

Day #5
Workout: EZ Jog or CrossTrain
Category: Recovery and Endurance
Distance: 6.00 miles, Estimated Time: 54 minutes
Min Effort: 60%, Max Effort: 70%
Min Pace: 10:31, Max Pace: 9:01

Workout Detail: Low Intensity Aerobic Run – 6 miles. Recovery day – Concentrate on good form and breathing deeply. 2nd OPTION: You may cross train today instead for the estimated time listed if you feel you need more recovery.

Workout Description: Jog as indicated or do a short duration cross training session. Jogging is good for you. You need days to clear your muscles and run relaxed.

Purpose: The purpose becomes more apparent as the miles and intensity build. Very EZ Effort. This is a necessary recovery workout. No Overdoing It!

Day #6
Workout: DAY OFF
Category: Recovery
Time: 0 minutes, Estimated Distance: 0 miles
Min Effort: 0%, Max Effort: 0%
Min Pace: , Max Pace:

Workout Detail: DAY OFF — Relax and Rest up! Today is just as important as any other day. Rest allows your body time to repair. Good day for Trigger Point tools, foam roller, light stretches or deep tissue massage. If you expect results from your training, take care of your body!

Workout Description: If you must do something, we recommend a walk or other low intensity activity.

Purpose: Respect recovery and be smart! Your body needs days off to benefit and rebuild from training.

Day #7
Workout: 1 mile test effort
Category: Test effort to determine goal or pace
Time: 65 minutes, Estimated Distance: 7.2 miles
Min Effort: 90%, Max Effort: 95%
Min Pace: 7:09, Max Pace: 6:46

Workout Detail: 1 Mile Test Effort. This should take about 35-45 minutes total. You will want to be warmed up before you run a mile for time. Best done at a HS track.
Purpose: To help you determine an appropriate goal time for a 5k or 10k and set yourself up at an appropriate pace for training.

Do the following:
1) 15 minutes warmup walk/jog.
2) Repeat 3x: Run with a quick turnover (do not sprint) for 100meters (about 20-30 seconds maximum). WALK back after each repeat of 100m Strides.
3) Run 4 laps in Lane 1 (the inside lane). Run as quickly as you can, but do not strain. Remember your time in minutes and seconds.
4) Please note: If you need to slow down, that’s OK. You will still finish within 30 seconds of your best possible effort. That’s the magic of a one mile test effort.
5) 15 minutes cooldown walk/jog (or longer if today’s workout time indicates)
6) Enter your time for 1 mile in the VO2 Chart to see goal times and paces.

Workout Description: WarmUp easy walk/jog 15 minutes. Run 4 laps at a track (inside lane). Run as quickly as you can while remaining comfortable for 3 laps. Pick up pace on last lap to an uncomfortable level, but don’t strain! Cool down walk/jog at least 15mins to finish.

Purpose: This test effort will help you estimate your current fitness level and provide data you can use for determining an appropriate goal and training pace.
