Good Form Running at GFR
Good Form Running at GFR teaches you four basic steps for improving your running form. Since May 2011 hundreds of area runners have learned to run well and run more efficiently through our Good Form Running classes. This program teaches runners of all levels the basics of an efficient running stride. Once you learn these four basic steps, you will be able to build strength, build quickness, and stay uninjured.
Good Form Running Classes
In 2018, classes will be held from 6:00–7:45pm on the following dates:
- Weds, January 10
- Weds, April 11
- Weds, July 11
- Weds, October 3 – CANCELLED
There’s a Better Way to Run
New for 2018, we will teach a series of warm up drills and exercises to help activate the important muscle groups before beginning your run. In the Good Form Running class, you will learn how Posture, Midfoot, Cadence, and Lean help you align your form and guide you toward a more natural running stride. We will film your running stride, review the 4 points of Good Form Running, teach you some drills, and practice to build awareness.
Why should you sign up for this FREE class?
- Improve your running and walking efficiency by learning your appropriate stride length
- Easy-to-learn, easy-to-use drills and video analysis to help participants feel a contrast between their current form and Good Form Running
- Understand the importance of Posture, Midfoot, Cadence and Lean
- Leave your class with a list of tips and skills to improve on
- Learn some ways to build foot strength, core strength, and healthy alignment
- It’s FREE and personalized. Small groups provide individual attention
- Canned food donation accepted to benefit Marion-Polk Food Share