Marathon Training Plan 22 Weeks

Team GFR Marathon Training Plans
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Marathon Training Plan 22 Weeks

  • $75 for 22 weeks of training with Gallagher Fitness Resources.
  • 20 weeks building to your event + 2 weeks of recovery workouts after your marathon.
  • Choose your running level: Beginner, Recreational, Advanced, Competitor.
  • Follow Suggested Workouts delivered to your e-mail or smartphone.
  • Training guidelines set at your individually appropriate Pace, Distance, and Heart Rate.
  • Train solo, with your running buddies or with our Saturday morning group at GFR.

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View Beginner Level description and sample week

Beginner Level Marathon Training  

Weekly Routine: 4 days running. 2 days cross-training or walking. 1 day off. Minimum requirements: Running consistently for at least 3 days per week for at least 4 months prior to beginning of plan. You should be able to run 8-10 miles easily and comfortably. We also recommend you have experience running at least a few 5k or 10k events and at least one half marathon before attempting the marathon training plan.
•This plan works well for your first attempt at a marathon
•It will provide a gradual buildup in mileage and a well-rounded plan that includes scheduled runs, cross-training sessions, recovery days, and walks.

Sample Workouts:

Day #1
Workout: Walk
Category: Recovery
Time: 60 minutes
Min Effort: 50%, Max Effort: 55%
Max Pace: 15:00

Workout Detail: No running at all — Comfortable paced walk. Walk at a low intensity level, but at a consistent pace.

Workout Description: Go for a casual walk. Take a family member, a buddy, or a pet.

Purpose: A walk balances out your running and racing. Don’t skip this opportunity.

Day #2
Workout: EZ Jog or CrossTrain
Category: Recovery and Endurance
Time: 30 minutes, Estimated Distance: 2.5 miles
Min Effort: 60%, Max Effort: 70%
Min Pace: 13:30, Max Pace: 12:00

Workout Detail: EZ Jog. Total 30 minutes. Light to Moderate Effort. Based on how you are feeling, choose between 30 minutes or 3 miles, whichever feels like the smarter choice.

Workout Description: Jog as indicated or do a short duration cross training session. Jogging is good for you. You need days to clear your muscles and run relaxed.

Purpose: The purpose becomes more apparent as the miles and intensity build. Very EZ Effort. This is a necessary recovery workout. No Overdoing It!

Day #3
Workout: Cross-Training Activity
Category: Cross-Train Activity
Time: 30 minutes
Min Effort: 65%, Max Effort: 75%

Workout Detail: Cross-training session at very low intensity. Options: Bike Ride, EZ Spinning, Hiking, Swimming, other low intensity cross training activity. Be sure to include notes on which activity you choose and the duration of the session. Choose something fun!

Workout Description: Maintain a moderate intensity level while cross training. Don’t overdo it. Running is your goal, not cross training!

Purpose: Supplemental activity builds and maintains endurance. Gives your muscles, tendons and joints a break from the impact of running.

Day #4
Workout: Steady Aerobic Run
Category: Aerobic Development
Distance: 3.00 miles, Estimated Time: 36 minutes
Min Effort: 70%, Max Effort: 80%
Min Pace: 12:00, Max Pace: 11:00

Workout Detail: Steady Aerobic Run – Put in your miles, grab a shower and get on with the day or evening. After today’s run, you are one day closer to your goal!

Workout Description: Run at a steady effort without creating fatigue. Today you build, so you can challenge yourself in a race or harder workout on another day.

Purpose: Basic endurance day. A comfortable effort always remains the same. Over time your pace will increase as your fitness improves. Allow it to improve naturally!

Day #5
Workout: EZ Jog or CrossTrain
Category: Recovery and Endurance
Time: 30 minutes, Estimated Distance: 2.5 miles
Min Effort: 60%, Max Effort: 70%
Min Pace: 13:30, Max Pace: 12:00

Workout Detail: EZ Jog. Total 30 minutes. Light to Moderate Effort. Based on how you are feeling, choose between 30 minutes or 3 miles, whichever feels like the smarter choice.

Workout Description: Jog as indicated or do a short duration cross training session. Jogging is good for you. You need days to clear your muscles and run relaxed.

Purpose: The purpose becomes more apparent as the miles and intensity build. Very EZ Effort. This is a necessary recovery workout. No Overdoing It!

Day #6
Workout: DAY OFF
Category: Recovery
Time: 0 minutes, Estimated Distance: 0 miles
Min Effort: 0%, Max Effort: 0%
Min Pace: , Max Pace:

Workout Detail: DAY OFF — Relax and Rest up! Today is just as important as any other day. Rest allows your body time to repair. Good day for Trigger Point tools, foam roller, light stretches or deep tissue massage. If you expect results from your training, take care of your body!

Workout Description: If you must do something, we recommend a walk or other low intensity activity.

Purpose: Respect recovery and be smart! Your body needs days off to benefit and rebuild from training.

Day #7
Workout: Steady Aerobic Run
Category: Aerobic Development
Distance: 5.00 miles, Estimated Time: 60 minutes
Min Effort: 70%, Max Effort: 80%
Min Pace: 12:00, Max Pace: 11:00

Workout Detail: Steady Aerobic Run – Make sure these aerobic runs are (1) Relaxed (2) Fun and (3) Under Control. There’s plenty of other days that will provide the challenge. Not today.

Workout Description: Run at a steady effort without creating fatigue. Today you build, so you can challenge yourself in a race or harder workout on another day.

Purpose: Basic endurance day. A comfortable effort always remains the same. Over time your pace will increase as your fitness improves. Allow it to improve naturally!



View Recreational Level description and sample week

Recreational Level Marathon Training  

Weekly Routine: 4 days running. 2 days cross-training. 1 day off. Minimum requirements: Running consistently 3-4 days per week for at least 6 months prior to beginning of plan. May be appropriate for an experienced runner who has not done a marathon, but has regularly participated in numerous races at other distances. You should be able to run 10-12 miles comfortably. Total running about 20-35 miles per week.
•Has experience running 5k’s, 10k’s, relays, or half-marathons
•Prefers to keep goals general in the midst of a busy life
•Sees running as a social outlet
•Enjoys running at a comfortable pace, but would like to improve over time
•Provides structure necessary to improve and flexibility to run a variety of race distances
•Offers a suggested “up tempo” day on either Tuesday or Wednesday each week
•Workouts help build strength and develop pacing skills
•Most of all, Recreational Level workouts are designed to keep the injuries away

Sample Workouts:

Day #1
Workout: Cross-Training Activity
Category: Cross-Train Activity
Time: 45 minutes
Min Effort: 65%, Max Effort: 75%

Workout Detail: Cross-training session at very low intensity. Options: Bike Ride, EZ Spinning, Hiking, Swimming, other low intensity cross training activity. Be sure to include notes on which activity you choose and the duration of the session. Choose something fun!

Workout Description: Maintain a moderate intensity level while cross training. Don’t overdo it. Running is your goal, not cross training!

Purpose: Supplemental activity builds and maintains endurance. Gives your muscles, tendons and joints a break from the impact of running.

Day #2
Workout: Steady Aerobic Run
Category: Aerobic Development
Distance: 4.00 miles, Estimated Time: 44 minutes
Min Effort: 70%, Max Effort: 80%
Min Pace: 11:00, Max Pace: 10:00

Workout Detail: Steady Aerobic Run – Put in your miles, grab a shower and get on with the day or evening. After today’s run, you are one day closer to your goal!

Workout Description: Run at a steady effort without creating fatigue. Today you build, so you can challenge yourself in a race or harder workout on another day.

Purpose: Basic endurance day. A comfortable effort always remains the same. Over time your pace will increase as your fitness improves. Allow it to improve naturally!

Day #3
Workout: Cross-Training Activity
Category: Cross-Train Activity
Time: 40 minutes
Min Effort: 65%, Max Effort: 75%

Workout Detail: Cross-training session at a moderate effort. Options: Elliptical trainer, Swim, Bike, Hike, Spinning, Pool Running, Zumba, Circuit Training, Core 4 Runners other moderate intensity activity. Have fun!

Workout Description: Maintain a moderate intensity level while cross training. Don’t overdo it. Running is your goal, not cross training!

Purpose: Supplemental activity builds and maintains endurance. Gives your muscles, tendons and joints a break from the impact of running.

Day #4
Workout: Steady Aerobic Run
Category: Aerobic Development
Distance: 5.00 miles, Estimated Time: 55 minutes
Min Effort: 70%, Max Effort: 80%
Min Pace: 11:00, Max Pace: 10:00

Workout Detail: Steady Aerobic Run – Make sure these aerobic runs are (1) Relaxed (2) Fun and (3) Under Control. There’s plenty of other days that will provide the challenge. Not today.

Workout Description: Run at a steady effort without creating fatigue. Today you build, so you can challenge yourself in a race or harder workout on another day.

Purpose: Basic endurance day. A comfortable effort always remains the same. Over time your pace will increase as your fitness improves. Allow it to improve naturally!

Day #5
Workout: EZ Jog or CrossTrain
Category: Recovery and Endurance
Distance: 3.00 miles, Estimated Time: 33 minutes
Min Effort: 60%, Max Effort: 70%
Min Pace: 12:30, Max Pace: 11:00

Workout Detail: Low Intensity Aerobic Run – 3 miles. Recovery day – Concentrate on good form and breathing deeply. 2nd OPTION: You may cross train today instead for the estimated time listed if you feel you need more recovery.

Workout Description: Jog as indicated or do a short duration cross training session. Jogging is good for you. You need days to clear your muscles and run relaxed.

Purpose: The purpose becomes more apparent as the miles and intensity build. Very EZ Effort. This is a necessary recovery workout. No Overdoing It!

Day #6
Workout: DAY OFF
Category: Recovery
Time: 0 minutes, Estimated Distance: 0 miles
Min Effort: 0%, Max Effort: 0%
Min Pace: , Max Pace:

Workout Detail: DAY OFF — Relax and Rest up! Today is just as important as any other day. Rest allows your body time to repair. Good day for Trigger Point tools, foam roller, light stretches or deep tissue massage. If you expect results from your training, take care of your body!

Workout Description: If you must do something, we recommend a walk or other low intensity activity.

Purpose: Respect recovery and be smart! Your body needs days off to benefit and rebuild from training.

Day #7
Workout: Steady Aerobic Run
Category: Aerobic Development
Distance: 8.00 miles, Estimated Time: 88 minutes
Min Effort: 70%, Max Effort: 80%
Min Pace: 11:00, Max Pace: 10:00

Workout Detail: Steady Aerobic Run – Hydration is important every day. If your fluid intake yesterday was limited to lattes and red wine, please add water!

Workout Description: Run at a steady effort without creating fatigue. Today you build, so you can challenge yourself in a race or harder workout on another day.

Purpose: Basic endurance day. A comfortable effort always remains the same. Over time your pace will increase as your fitness improves. Allow it to improve naturally!



View Advanced Level description and sample week

Advanced Level Marathon Training  

Weekly Routine: 4-5 days running. 1-2 days cross-training or walking. 1 day off. Minimum requirements: Running consistently 3-4 days per week for at least 6 months prior to beginning of plan. You should be able to run 10-14 miles comfortably. Total running about 25-45 miles per week.
•Has a definite target time or pace in mind and wants more intensity in workouts
•Helps develop running skills and strengths and is more challenging
•Balances harder workouts at a faster pace with recovery runs at a slower pace
•Focuses energies on one or two goal marathons a year
•Scheduled mid-week intensity session each week
•Wider variety of workouts for Saturday runs

Sample Workouts:

Day #1
Workout: EZ Jog or CrossTrain
Category: Recovery and Endurance
Distance: 3.00 miles, Estimated Time: 30 minutes
Min Effort: 60%, Max Effort: 70%
Min Pace: 11:30, Max Pace: 10:00

Workout Detail: Low Intensity Aerobic Run – 3 miles. Recovery day – Concentrate on good form and breathing deeply. 2nd OPTION: You may cross train today instead for the estimated time listed if you feel you need more recovery.

Workout Description: Jog as indicated or do a short duration cross training session. Jogging is good for you. You need days to clear your muscles and run relaxed.

Purpose: The purpose becomes more apparent as the miles and intensity build. Very EZ Effort. This is a necessary recovery workout. No Overdoing It!

Day #2
Workout: Steady Aerobic Run
Category: Aerobic Development
Distance: 5.00 miles, Estimated Time: 50 minutes
Min Effort: 70%, Max Effort: 80%
Min Pace: 10:00, Max Pace: 9:00

Workout Detail: Steady Aerobic Run – Put in your miles, grab a shower and get on with the day or evening. After today’s run, you are one day closer to your goal!

Workout Description: Run at a steady effort without creating fatigue. Today you build, so you can challenge yourself in a race or harder workout on another day.

Purpose: Basic endurance day. A comfortable effort always remains the same. Over time your pace will increase as your fitness improves. Allow it to improve naturally!

Day #3
Workout: Cross-Training Activity
Category: Cross-Train Activity
Time: 35 minutes
Min Effort: 65%, Max Effort: 75%

Workout Detail: Cross-training session at very low intensity. Options: Bike Ride, EZ Spinning, Hiking, Swimming, other low intensity cross training activity. Be sure to include notes on which activity you choose and the duration of the session. Choose something fun!

Workout Description: Maintain a moderate intensity level while cross training. Don’t overdo it. Running is your goal, not cross training!

Purpose: Supplemental activity builds and maintains endurance. Gives your muscles, tendons and joints a break from the impact of running.

Day #4
Workout: Minutes Wkt
Category: Anaerobic Threshold/Strength Endurance
Time: 54 minutes, Estimated Distance: 5.4 miles
Min Effort: 85%, Max Effort: 87%
Min Pace: 8:06, Max Pace: 8:03

Workout Detail: Minutes Workout [3x 5on/3off]: WarmUp jog 15 mins at 65% + Then repeat the following 3x: [Run steady, not hard for 5 mins at 85%, then walk/jog 3 mins recovery] + Cool Down 15 mins jog at 65%.

Total workout: 54 minutes.

Workout Description: Total time includes EZ WarmUp to start and EZ CoolDown at end. Run at paces that will vary between 85-87% of maximum effort & recommended recovery. Refer to your pace chart for appropriate paces. A heart rate monitor is best tool to determine this.

Purpose: Builds anaerobic strength. Gives you the gears you need late in a shorter race. Gives you strength in the last miles of a half marathon or marathon.

Day #5
Workout: Steady Aerobic Run
Category: Aerobic Development
Distance: 6.00 miles, Estimated Time: 60 minutes
Min Effort: 70%, Max Effort: 80%
Min Pace: 10:00, Max Pace: 9:00

Workout Detail: Steady Aerobic Run – Make sure these aerobic runs are (1) Relaxed (2) Fun and (3) Under Control. There’s plenty of other days that will provide the challenge. Not today.

Workout Description: Run at a steady effort without creating fatigue. Today you build, so you can challenge yourself in a race or harder workout on another day.

Purpose: Basic endurance day. A comfortable effort always remains the same. Over time your pace will increase as your fitness improves. Allow it to improve naturally!

Day #6
Workout: DAY OFF
Category: Recovery
Time: 0 minutes, Estimated Distance: 0 miles
Min Effort: 0%, Max Effort: 0%
Min Pace: , Max Pace:

Workout Detail: DAY OFF — Relax and Rest up! Today is just as important as any other day. Rest allows your body time to repair. Good day for Trigger Point tools, foam roller, light stretches or deep tissue massage. If you expect results from your training, take care of your body!

Workout Description: If you must do something, we recommend a walk or other low intensity activity.

Purpose: Respect recovery and be smart! Your body needs days off to benefit and rebuild from training.

Day #7
Workout: Steady Aerobic Run
Category: Aerobic Development
Distance: 8.00 miles, Estimated Time: 80 minutes
Min Effort: 70%, Max Effort: 80%
Min Pace: 10:00, Max Pace: 9:00

Workout Detail: Steady Aerobic Run – Hydration is important every day. If your fluid intake yesterday was limited to lattes and red wine, please add water!

Workout Description: Run at a steady effort without creating fatigue. Today you build, so you can challenge yourself in a race or harder workout on another day.

Purpose: Basic endurance day. A comfortable effort always remains the same. Over time your pace will increase as your fitness improves. Allow it to improve naturally!



View Competitor Level description and sample week

Competitor Level Marathon Training  

Weekly Routine: 5 days running. 1 day cross-training. 1 day off. Total weekly running will exceed 35-55 miles per week.
•This level enjoys racing and has a definite target time in mind
•Wants to improve and is not afraid to attempt higher mileage with a blend of intensity in workouts
•Committed to achieving top performance. Workouts suited for sub-3:40 and faster marathons
•Builds a solid program of anaerobic sharpening with strength-endurance workouts
•Wants that extra edge as a triathlete, or a Boston Marathon qualifying time

Sample Workouts:

Day #1
Workout: EZ Jog or CrossTrain
Category: Recovery and Endurance
Distance: 5.00 miles, Estimated Time: 45 minutes
Min Effort: 60%, Max Effort: 70%
Min Pace: 10:31, Max Pace: 9:01

Workout Detail: Low Intensity Aerobic Run – 5 miles. Recovery day – Concentrate on good form and breathing deeply. 2nd OPTION: You may cross train today instead for the estimated time listed if you feel you need more recovery.

Workout Description: Jog as indicated or do a short duration cross training session. Jogging is good for you. You need days to clear your muscles and run relaxed.

Purpose: The purpose becomes more apparent as the miles and intensity build. Very EZ Effort. This is a necessary recovery workout. No Overdoing It!

Day #2
Workout: Steady Aerobic Run
Category: Aerobic Development
Distance: 6.00 miles, Estimated Time: 54 minutes
Min Effort: 70%, Max Effort: 80%
Min Pace: 9:01, Max Pace: 8:01

Workout Detail: Steady Aerobic Run – Put in your miles, grab a shower and get on with the day or evening. After today’s run, you are one day closer to your goal!

Workout Description: Run at a steady effort without creating fatigue. Today you build, so you can challenge yourself in a race or harder workout on another day.

Purpose: Basic endurance day. A comfortable effort always remains the same. Over time your pace will increase as your fitness improves. Allow it to improve naturally!

Day #3
Workout: EZ Jog or CrossTrain
Category: Recovery and Endurance
Distance: 4.00 miles, Estimated Time: 36 minutes
Min Effort: 60%, Max Effort: 70%
Min Pace: 10:31, Max Pace: 9:01

Workout Detail: Low Intensity Aerobic Run – 4 miles. Recovery day – Concentrate on good form and breathing deeply. 2nd OPTION: You may cross train today instead for the estimated time listed if you feel you need more recovery.

Workout Description: Jog as indicated or do a short duration cross training session. Jogging is good for you. You need days to clear your muscles and run relaxed.

Purpose: The purpose becomes more apparent as the miles and intensity build. Very EZ Effort. This is a necessary recovery workout. No Overdoing It!

Day #4
Workout: Minutes Wkt
Category: Anaerobic Threshold/Strength Endurance
Time: 58 minutes, Estimated Distance: 6.4 miles
Min Effort: 85%, Max Effort: 87%
Min Pace: 7:23, Max Pace: 7:21

Workout Detail: Minutes Workout [8-4-2]: WarmUp jog 15 mins at 65% + then Run the following alternating between 85% effort and 70% recovery: 8mins/8mins – 4mins/4mins – 2mins/2mins + Cool Down jog 15 mins at 65%.

Total workout: 58 minutes. Your 85% effort should be challenging, but not hard, approximately at a pace you could hold for a 50 minute race. The 70% recovery should be around marathon pace, no slower. This workout keeps you in a small window that challenges your aerobic strength.

Workout Description: Total time includes EZ WarmUp to start and EZ CoolDown at end. Run at paces that will vary between 85-87% of maximum effort & recommended recovery. Refer to your pace chart for appropriate paces. A heart rate monitor is best tool to determine this.

Purpose: Builds anaerobic strength. Gives you the gears you need late in a shorter race. Gives you strength in the last miles of a half marathon or marathon.

Day #5
Workout: Steady Aerobic Run
Category: Aerobic Development
Distance: 6.00 miles, Estimated Time: 54 minutes
Min Effort: 70%, Max Effort: 80%
Min Pace: 9:01, Max Pace: 8:01

Workout Detail: Steady Aerobic Run – Make sure these aerobic runs are (1) Relaxed (2) Fun and (3) Under Control. There’s plenty of other days that will provide the challenge. Not today.

Workout Description: Run at a steady effort without creating fatigue. Today you build, so you can challenge yourself in a race or harder workout on another day.

Purpose: Basic endurance day. A comfortable effort always remains the same. Over time your pace will increase as your fitness improves. Allow it to improve naturally!

Day #6
Workout: DAY OFF
Category: Recovery
Time: 0 minutes, Estimated Distance: 0 miles
Min Effort: 0%, Max Effort: 0%
Min Pace: , Max Pace:

Workout Detail: DAY OFF — Relax and Rest up! Today is just as important as any other day. Rest allows your body time to repair. Good day for Trigger Point tools, foam roller, light stretches or deep tissue massage. If you expect results from your training, take care of your body!

Workout Description: If you must do something, we recommend a walk or other low intensity activity.

Purpose: Respect recovery and be smart! Your body needs days off to benefit and rebuild from training.

Day #7
Workout: Steady Aerobic Run
Category: Aerobic Development
Distance: 8.00 miles, Estimated Time: 72 minutes
Min Effort: 70%, Max Effort: 80%
Min Pace: 9:01, Max Pace: 8:01

Workout Detail: Steady Aerobic Run – Hydration is important every day. If your fluid intake yesterday was limited to lattes and red wine, please add water!

Workout Description: Run at a steady effort without creating fatigue. Today you build, so you can challenge yourself in a race or harder workout on another day.

Purpose: Basic endurance day. A comfortable effort always remains the same. Over time your pace will increase as your fitness improves. Allow it to improve naturally!