Add Your Event

Hello Race Directors – List your race today on the Gallagher Fitness Resources/Willamette Valley Road Runners race calendar! To avoid duplication of listings, please check to see if we already have your event listed. Not listed yet? Please follow the link below to appear on our ActiveSalem Race Calendar.

The Create Race Calendar Event link below will take you to a form provided by RunSignUp. [NOTE: If you do not have a RunSignUp account, you will need to create one.] Enter all the necessary information about your race. Submit your race to RunSignUp. It will appear on the ActiveSalem calendar within the next hour or so.

After your event takes place, you automatically receive an email reminder to renew your listing for next year. An added bonus – your listing will be broadcast nationally by RunSignUp. If someone is visiting the Willamette Valley your race will appear in their searches. National exposure for FREE! There is no obligation to use RunSignUp for your race registration, but we highly recommend them for the best registration experience for your participants, timers, and race organizers.

Create Race Calendar Event

Sample view of the ActiveSalem Race Calendar

If you have any questions, please contact us at


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