Tag: competitor

  • Competitor Level Guidelines

    COMPETITOR LEVEL. For those committed to achieving top performance. Workouts suited for sub-3:45 and faster marathoners and sub-1:50 half marathoners. This plan balances racing and other endurance-based activities with a solid program of anaerobic sharpening and strength-endurance workouts to maximize training time. If you want that extra edge as a triathlete, or a Boston Marathon qualifying time, this level will get you there.  Overall the Competitor Level calls for about a 15-20% increase in total running mileage and features more intense speed/strength workouts than the advanced level.

    AVERAGE WEEK: On average the Competitor Level Program calls for

    • Days Running – Five Days suggested (usually Sunday, Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday)
      • Sunday is either a run or a cross training day depending on the week
      • Monday is an easy to sometimes moderate run depending on the week
      • Tuesday is an optional cross-training day or recovery run
      • Wednesday is a more intense workout
      • Thursday is always a recovery/easy run day or optional cross-training day
      • Saturday is either a longer day or a second moderately intense workout depending upon the week
    • Days Cross-Training – One to Two Days suggested (usually Sunday and Tuesday or Wednesday)
    • Day OFF – One Day Off each week (usually Friday)