Nov 012009
 November 1, 2009  Posted by at 11:11 pm Advanced Level No Responses »

ADVANCED LEVEL. Have a definite target time or pace in mind and want more intensity in your workouts? The Advanced Level is for you. The Advanced Level helps develop running skills and strengths and is higher on the “challenge” scale, but fun is still the emphasis! While the Recreational Level provides opportunities to do multiple […]

Nov 012009
 November 1, 2009  Posted by at 11:05 pm Competitor Level No Responses »

COMPETITOR LEVEL. For those committed to achieving top performance. Workouts suited for sub-3:45 and faster marathoners and sub-1:50 half marathoners. This plan balances racing and other endurance-based activities with a solid program of anaerobic sharpening and strength-endurance workouts to maximize training time. If you want that extra edge as a triathlete, or a Boston Marathon […]