Tag: speed

  • Advanced Level Guidelines

    ADVANCED LEVEL. Have a definite target time or pace in mind and want more intensity in your workouts? The Advanced Level is for you. The Advanced Level helps develop running skills and strengths and is higher on the “challenge” scale, but fun is still the emphasis! While the Recreational Level provides opportunities to do multiple half-marathons or marathons in a year, the Advanced Level focuses energies on one or two goal marathons or half-marathons. The mid-week “intense” workout and a wider variety of workouts for Saturday morning training runs provide a different emphasis. Suggested races on the Advanced Level calendar are shorter than the half-marathon.

    HOW DO YOU CHOOSE BETWEEN RECREATIONAL OR ADVANCED? If the goal is to do your half-marathons or marathons comfortably, or you plan to do MORE than 2 half-marathons or marathons a year, we’re going to guide you toward the recreational group. If the goal is to do 2 or only 1 marathon in a year and you really have a target goal/pace/or PR in mind, then the advanced group will be the appropriate choice. As much as possible we want people to choose Intermediate/Recreational or Advanced based on training approach and experience rather than pace or “ranking” by speed.

    AVERAGE WEEK: On average the Advanced Level Program calls for

    • Days Running – Four Days suggested (usually Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday)
      • Monday is an easy run day
      • Tuesday or Wednesday is a more intense workout
      • Thursday is always a recovery/easy run day
      • Saturday is either a longer day or a second moderately intense workout depending upon the week
    • Days Cross-Training – Two Days suggested (usually Sunday and Tuesday or Wednesday)
    • Day OFF – One Day Off each week (usually Friday)
  • Competitor Level Guidelines

    COMPETITOR LEVEL. For those committed to achieving top performance. Workouts suited for sub-3:45 and faster marathoners and sub-1:50 half marathoners. This plan balances racing and other endurance-based activities with a solid program of anaerobic sharpening and strength-endurance workouts to maximize training time. If you want that extra edge as a triathlete, or a Boston Marathon qualifying time, this level will get you there.  Overall the Competitor Level calls for about a 15-20% increase in total running mileage and features more intense speed/strength workouts than the advanced level.

    AVERAGE WEEK: On average the Competitor Level Program calls for

    • Days Running – Five Days suggested (usually Sunday, Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday)
      • Sunday is either a run or a cross training day depending on the week
      • Monday is an easy to sometimes moderate run depending on the week
      • Tuesday is an optional cross-training day or recovery run
      • Wednesday is a more intense workout
      • Thursday is always a recovery/easy run day or optional cross-training day
      • Saturday is either a longer day or a second moderately intense workout depending upon the week
    • Days Cross-Training – One to Two Days suggested (usually Sunday and Tuesday or Wednesday)
    • Day OFF – One Day Off each week (usually Friday)