Aug 292017

Accessories: Little Things That Really Work Accessories can help keep you healthy, happy and safe. These are the little things that can help make your running and walking experiences more enjoyable, help keep you injury-free and help with improved performance. We’re all individuals with different needs and goals. What works for one person doesn’t necessarily […]

Mar 252012

Do you practice diaphragmatic or “belly” breathing? Do you breathe when you stretch? Correct breathing – slow, relaxed “belly” breathing – is important for effective stretching, rolling out and many other activities. Good breathing helps us relax, increases blood flow throughout the body, and helps relieve built-up tension. With practice, correct breathing is a simple, […]

Mar 252012

TRIGGER POINT THERAPY Trigger Point therapy is an effective injury prevention strategy, increasing muscle elasticity and functionality. It’s like doing your own deep tissue massage. Trigger Point therapy helps you gain a better appreciation of which muscles are tight and how to release them. IT Band Syndrome, Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints, Piriformis Syndrome and other […]

Mar 202011
 March 20, 2011  Posted by at 7:37 pm General Interest 1 Response »

I received delightful news from Dr. Jones on the March 11 follow-up appt, a day over 10 weeks post-op, 6 weeks in a cast and 4 weeks in the boot. He said recovery was ahead of schedule and gave me the green light to begin transitioning out of the boot! Despite having been on my […]

Mar 022011

Injuries can be avoided when you discover YOU can alter the cycle that creates them.  Hydration, proper recovery, massage, and rolling out with trigger point tools are all important pieces to the training puzzle.  We want you to reach your goals.  Taking care of your body is the easiest way to get there.  If you […]

Jan 142011

As with any form of exercise, proper breathing techniques are a foundational element for success when using Trigger Point Performance tools and methods. Deep nasal breaths provide a steady stream of oxygen to the lower lobes of the lungs where blood oxygen transfer is at its greatest.  As we address key areas of the body […]