I received delightful news from Dr. Jones on the March 11 follow-up appt, a day over 10 weeks post-op, 6 weeks in a cast and 4 weeks in the boot. He said recovery was ahead of schedule and gave me the green light to begin transitioning out of the boot! Despite having been on my feet most of the day prior, preparing for Chic’s Nite, the swelling was mostly gone. He also said I could begin no resistance spinning.
Balance felt a bit off initially but all in all, it’s very liberating to be in running shoes again. The MalleoTrain brace from Bauerfeind works great to help keep the swelling down during the day.
Pool running and core work are going great. (Thanks Ingrid, for the pool run today!) I feel the strength coming back, so thankful! I hope to be walking with the Leopards and Cougars in Tuesday’s Women’s Clinic by mid-April. I hope they will be there for me. Progress!
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